How do you deal with a broken leg?

Answer #1

Be patient and wait for it to heal.

Answer #2

oh, but it’s pretty damning to have to wait for a few months for it to heal. I don’t think i can be that patient

Answer #3

Well here is some advice, use the crutches correctly so ur pits don’t get sore, and so u don’t damage the nerves thr

Answer #4

I take it that its in a cast. For showers, place your whole leg in a garbage bag and tape it above the cast. Try and drop some scented powder in there to help with any sweat and odor. Also very very important. Get a bottle of rubbing alcohol and clean a wire clothes hanger and bend that hanger in any way you like to get to those itchy spots. Just when you think you getting the Cast off, remember that you now have therapy. Have fun, been there!

Answer #5

ouch. sounds like that would really hurt. Thanx! everyone around me has been telling me to use my arm pits to move the crutches

Answer #6

NEVER use ur pits to work crutches, use ur hands cuz once u damage the nerves in ur pits it can’t b fixed, I don’t think, and useing ur pits will make them VERY sore as well

Answer #7

The arm pit part of the crutch shud b 1 inch bellow the pit itself, hope that makes since and hope this helped, good luck and hope u get better soon :-)

Answer #8

yups, but it’s an air cast, still forbidden to walk though. That’s a very nifty advice. I’ll be sure to share it to any other wearing a plaster cast.

How did the pt go? and were you able to regain full use of your leg. People around me have been telling me all sorts of stories like how it hurts. Pretty discouraging to hear.

Answer #9

*below sorry

Answer #10

tnx! i’m thankful for your advice. now i know not to use my arm pits.

Answer #11

Ur very welcome, anytime sweetie

Answer #12

Physical Therapy is easy. It is only painful the first couple of days. Just remember to hear that song “eye of a tiger” and give it your all. The more you work, the faster the recovery. The stronger your muscles are the easier it is for the bone to heal. It’s not the end of the world. Just bear in mind that people in the past did not have the “luxury” of a cast and they just had to cut the leg off. So keep positive and face all obstacles as a healing process.

Answer #13

Umm first off don’t break it…thats a great starting point and second umm maybe you should go to the proffessionals for this one seeing i don’t have a doctorate.

Answer #14

ouch. that must have been really hard for the people of before. thanks for the advice. It has been really helpful and i found it the most detailed so far.

Answer #15

tnx for the concern :) I’ve already gone and did it.

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