How famous is Darren Hayes from Savage Garden?

I have always love Darren Hayes’ voice. especially from the Savage Garden days. I enjoy his solo work too and was wondering how famous he is in England, or Australia, or wherever? Do his records sell alot?

Answer #1

Hiya- I used to live in New Zealand, and I was about 9 when Savage Garden made it big there. Their debut album was the first CD I ever bought! Everyone seemed to quite like them, and they played a few gigs in New Zealand’s main centres. (Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.) They weren’t necessarily the coolest band though- this was in the time of the Spice Girls, and some people quite liked Savage Garden, but didn’t want to admit to it. By the time they released their second album, it had been a while since anyone had heard from them, and they were all but forgotten. A few singles made it into the chart, but I think the album was just a bit too heavy for the public to really get into. Then when Darren went solo, people seemed to lose interest altogether. “Insatiable” made it into the charts, but that was it.

Answer #2

I love the song Instiable very sexy . In reply to your question I dont really know

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