
Why do people cut themselves, exactly?? Is it out of deppression, To get attention, Or to fit in with their clique??

I could somewhat understand if it was out of deppression or something..but not so much on fitting in..

Idunno, the thought just occured to me.

Answer #1

well some people cut them selves when they are so depressed that they cant feel anymore. they cut to feel something. I wouldnt know exactly but my best friend marny cut herself all the time and thats what she sed

Answer #2

well some people cut them selves when they are so depressed that they cant feel anymore. they cut to feel something. I wouldnt know exactly but my best friend marny cut herself all the time and thats what she sed

Answer #3

it is becuase the person has soo much emotional pain that they need to distract there emotional pain with cutting them selfs.. And a lot of times the person who is cutting. hates them self. and its to express the anger toward them self.

Answer #4

I do it because I feel like it is the only pain in my life that I can control. and I don’t want to tell anyone because I don’t want to get attention from it. it’s not something that I want to do.

Answer #5

my friend use to she did hers out of depression with her family

Answer #6

Some people cut themselves to feel pain. It might sound weird, but that person could be numb from all the emotional and mental pain and they feel like there already dead, but when they cut themselves they feel the pain and see the blood and with them doing that assures them they’re not dead.

Answer #7

my frends cutting her self, I asked her why, she sed it was cuse everyone else was doing it, but if everyone jumped of a cliff I dout shed do it to

Answer #8

Many do it out of depression. The physical pain distracts them from the mental pain for a little bit. Went through depression myself. Many others do it because theyre being cool and emo by doing so, which I believe is totally stupid.

Answer #9

I have done/still do it because I feel it turns extreme emotional pain physical. also, out of depression I suppose, when you get the urge to kill yourself but are not sure what’s in store in a couple hours, it’s comforting to see blood and be close enough but not there…I hide new cuts because I DON’T want people jumping on my back for it or thinking I’m doing it for attention, when my mother first found out years ago she literally smacked me around and screamed at me for asking for attention, which doesn’t make any sense since I never told anyone and lied when she asked. but it’s because you have something killing you inside and you need to do something about it to relieve the anxiety.

Answer #10

I do it because it seems like all the pain and stress im going through is draining out of my body with the blood for the moment… but it doesnt help after… and it seems like its the only pain I can controll… like the other people said..

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