cutting and sucide

I have a friend who is cutting her self what do you think I should tell her

Answer #1

hey 00praygirl I have been inthe same spot but it was different I was the one cutting and it feels like no one cares about you or loves you I found if some one just talked to me and was there for me when I need some one to talk to it helped but if it has became a hadit its is a hard thing to work with but you can do it you just really need to work as hard was you can you can hold on to your friends wrist or arm ect and say why why did you do this can you tell me why I would like to know and when she or he tells you why or if he or she does not tell you say do you really want the cuttes to run your lives and say I will be here for you when you need me. and if you or with them one day and you are about to go home get a pen or maker and write your name on their wrist arm ect and say if you cut this you will be hurtting me me and then kiss it and say is you later never bye hope this works out

Answer #2

You could just mention that you have seen the cuts and that you are slightly worried and hope she knows she can come to you if she ever needs to talk. Be warned, she may deny it or be a bit angry, but she will come around and at least she knows you are supportive and she can turn to you. If you do not want to run the risk of her being upset, then say that you have noticed she seems a bit stressed/ down and that you are there if she needs to talk. It is basically the same thing, but without the embarrassment of her admitting she has self harmed. I would have hated it if someone had just called me out like that as I always made up what my cuts were from as I just could not admit it. Just basically try and get her to be open about her feeling with you: maybe share some troubles of your own and hopefully she will open up too.

I wouldn’t tell her parents without her consent as that will upset her, but you may need to if things seem to get worse. It would be best if you could support her and try and get her to tell them, or seek some help, herself. If that doesn’t happen, then involve a teacher or parent, but ask them if they can approach it as if they have seen the cuts themselves as otherwise it may break her trust in you.

It is a really bad situation to be in, so make sure you do not take all the stress on yourself, and that you have someone to support you too.

Answer #3

If shes cutting then you need to understand why, talk to her about it, she needs someone to relate to her, to make her feel that her life is meaningful and that shes needed and loved.

Answer #4

they your parents and ask them to tell her parents its for her saftey.

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