What to do if my friend is cutting herself?

my best friend is cutting its all up her arm an I dont want to tell on her she mit git mad an I aint a rat but I told her if continius I wasnt gunna be her friend I dont think she believes me what should I do??

Answer #1

I used to cut and trust me what she needs most of all is a friend. Its hard, I know but she really does need you. She needs to realize that cutting doesn’t actually solve any of her problems. Your friendship is important in a time of crisis like this. Urge her to speak to a school counselor or someone who can help. Trust me she needs you.

Answer #2

the best thing you can do is be there for her. let her know that you’re there if she needs someone. you can always share these tips -

*instead of using something that could actually hurt you… use a red pen or marker to put fake cuts on the area(s) you wish to harm. you can even get fake blood if you want to make it look even more real

*have a trusted person that you can talk to(in her case that’d be you!)

*get a notebook and start writing things down. anytime you feel like you want to cut or something write down how you feel, who or what is making you feel that way, etc… you can keep it private if you want(most people do). if you don’t want anyone else to know what’s wrote in it, keep it in a safe place and take it wherever you go(that way no one will snoop if your not around)

*get a hobby. by doing something fun or something you enjoy(like painting, drawing, talking to friends, listening to music, etc) you’ll most likely be too busy to even think about hurting yourself.

hope all goes well with your friend :) need someone to talk to… email me

Answer #3

ok the most WRONG thing you could do to her is tell her you arnt going to be friends with her. it hurts them. it is not going to help. ok cutting is a way to COPE not to get back, you get addicted, its feels good like a relief, its probebly the only thing that is helping her, if you take ure friendship away ure only making it worse. it also may be the only thing keeping her alive. I almost killed myself because my friend said the exact same thing to me, I dont think you want that. ure friend needs help not abandment.
if you need more help always feel free to talk to me, im a recoverd cutter, and I might be able to help. xx aryn

Answer #4

its her decision,, don’t try to get into it because it won’t show her that you’re worried about her.. it’ll make her think it was just one more thing she was wrong about,, and one more person thats mad at her. even if you tell her your not mad at her just worried.. she won’t believe it.

Answer #5

well people seem to think it is always suicide but its not if it was suicide they would be dead by now my bff cuts well she did she cant now because she went to an istitution I told on her because I was worried it turned out that she had to have surgery because she had cut so deep I found her in the cafeteria but you need to talk to her parents before it is to late please tell she might be mad initially but hopefully she will be like my friend and forgive u

Answer #6

im christian and i think, that if u commit suicde u do not go to hell, god loves you to mcuh to do that to someone, he takes u to a place, not heaven not hell, where u find out y u ended ur life and stuff, if u figure it out you go to the best heaven, if not you go to a lower stage of heaven, anyway i cut myself, ive went to the hosipital about 20 times, ive died like 6 times, but they bring me back all the time, haha, im not afraid of death, now, no one is afraid of losing me cause they know i love them, they love me back and they know its something i just do, now if it bothers you confront her about it, ask her y she does it, and if she continues to o it, go to a phycoligist and tell this phycoligist that ur friend is physically hurting herslf, and this may work, if not its her decision. hope this helps

Answer #7

i dont know what religion u r, but im a Christian and we believe that if u commit suicide, u will go to hell automatically. if your friend dies from cutting herself too deep, it is commiting suicide in GOD’s eyes, so she will go to hell. because of this, i think cutting IS a serious matter. Tell your friend!

Answer #8

Dear xxgive_me_novocainexx, At this point the more who know the better…unfortunatly cutters sometimes will make mistakes and end up dieing from cutting too deep. You must tell and adult…you can not have it on your conscious if she is hospitalized and you knew and didn’t say anyting…worse yet if she dies. If you are a true friend you will try to get her some help by asking an adult for it. She needs counselling before it may be too late. She may try to convince others that it isn’t that bad but it is and cutting is a psychological condition that can be helped…she won’t get better unless she gets help. Sue…good luck

Answer #9

what should I do? Be there for her, threatening abandonment is the worse thing you can do for your FRIEND. There are so many articles on the web to help you understand this problem and what you can do for her. Please don’t abandon and judge her- she wont sort herself out by being told off, she is not bad or naughty, she is feeling so sht, that you couldnt even comprehend how sht she must be feeling. She is feeling terrible, frightened and alone, her pain is compunded because no one is hearing her, no- one is REALLY LISTENING, she cant even tell her friends about her pain for fear of judgement and abandonment. FACT; people who can be convinced that there is one single person in this world who LOVES them, don’t commit suicide.(unless by accident) Lend your friend the hand of friendship and love- you can do it, I know you can…

Answer #10

Sorry- I am stupid tonight- got a lot on. I didnt look at your age B4 answering. You are very young to take this situation on by yourself, you must tell an older person, one who cares for your friend. make sure you tell your friend you care for her and dont know how to help, so you are getting her some help from an adult who can. Please dont think you are a rat- thats not an appropriate thing to think- she needs someone to care enough to help her, she might get very depressed or even die if she doesnt get it. if your friends leg was cut off, would you think that dialing 911 was ratting? course not!

Answer #11

yea abandonment does make it all worse 4 her

Answer #12

aww…well im a cutter and I know how your friend feels…DO NOT TELL ANYONE! try to tell her how you feel about it…tell her to snap a rubber band…but if it dose get out of hand…tell

Answer #13

Will just tell your friend you dont like her cutting herself.try to make her understand that you think thatz not right to be doing.unless shes emo she might have a reason why to cut hersel.

Answer #14

i agree with satsumamoon. stick with your friend and let her kno dat she is luved. i’m not a snitch either, so dont snitch on her yet. if she dont stop after u start givin her sum encouragement than snitch, but otha dan dat, avoid snitchin at all.

ask her what makes her cut herself

Answer #15

thanks i’m very glad i could help

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