What are some cute and revealing costume ideas for Halloween?

Answer #1

Be a Siren. Or a Pixie. Or a Succubus.

Answer #2

Tinkerbell, alice in wonderland, the typical nurse or cops, the queen of hearts, a delivery girl, a gardener, a pirate, peter pan, mob girl. There are a lot just use your imagination.

Answer #3

I’m being a bee! =D x

Answer #4

The siren and the succubus are most definatley scary. I still have nightmares.

Answer #5

I saw a photo like this, which I can’t find right now:

wrap a big fluffy bath towel around yourself (with a bikini under it if you’re nervous) and carry a sign that says “Lost my costume. Can I have yours?” or “Will work for costume!”

Answer #6

Go as Gypsy Rose Lee …”The queen of burlesque”… started the seductive look particularly with her fan dancing.

Answer #7

Now that’s clever !!!

Answer #9

b a bikini model

Answer #10

Red riding hood, cop, Betty Boop, Baby Doll, Vampire, Witch, Any animal, School girl, Dancer, ect.

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