Current music

I don’t think the current music is teaching and sending good information,how is music affecting you?

Answer #1

^ I’m fourteen also and I feel exactly like the girl above. I don’t listen to what they call “hip-hop” of now-a-days. Hip-hop from back in the days is way better because they were true rappers with true feelings. I don’t tend to understand half the sh*t they are saying. but I shouldn’t judge what other people like. the modern music I surely don’t like ,but I’d rather listen to something that I can relate too in my life.

But to answer your question, music is great for me it has affected me in a better way actually. music has made me who I am now.

Answer #2

I’m 14 years old, and I don’t listen to what some people call “current music” from my generation. I prefer the older music with good lyrics, from around the time of the 60’s to the 90’s. Of course I still enjoy a lot of modern music, but not nearly as much as the more developed and unique stuff. It often frustrates me that most kids my age are into more modern hiphop and rap that has very cliche lyrics that tend to not mean anything. (I’m not saying all hiphop and rap is like that) I enjoy introducing my taste in music to my friends and people I know to help broaden their understanding of music and true poetry.

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