How do you like your cup of Joe?

Answer #1

Hot because it just doesn’t taste right cool. No flavorings just coffee.

Answer #2

I only like coffee if it’s a cappuchino or frappuchino or something.. if it’s just plain coffee I’d have to add a ton of sugar to even like it.

Answer #3

I don’t drink just regular coffee. I either drink a frappucino, cappuchino, or a coffee energy drink. The one i drink the most is the Starbucks energy drinks….i drink them daily.

Answer #4

Hot coffee, cream only.

Answer #5

Interesting, I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say that b4, I will have to try it :-)

Answer #6

Really? Huh, I get that from my dad, he’s the same. :D

Answer #7

Yep really lol

Answer #8

I like it warm and with marshmallows

Answer #9

I’m one of those people that likes coffee almost any way it comes. I love a normal coffee (double double), iced coffee, cafe mocha, or any other coffee in addition to all of those yummy flavours that come from ‘coffee mate’ creamers that you can put in normal coffee. Their hazelnut is delicious, the cafe mocha flavour is, too.

I love coffee.

Answer #10

i dont really like coffee. but sometimes i can drink maybe one cup.. i like a lot of creamer and a lil sugar

Answer #11

Hot, with cream and lots of sugar.

Answer #12

Occasionally I’ll drink my mother’s hot coffee - half & half and sugar put into it of course. But the main thing I like (maybe even love) are Starbucks fraps :D And then sometimes I’ll drink one of there energy drink things, haha. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a huge coffee drinker period but it’s good when the mood strikes (man, I want a Starbuck’s frap right now xD).

Answer #13


Answer #14

I’m the same, well that is when I’m not putting mocha in it :-)

Answer #15

Those are delicious!!

Answer #16

I just like mocha. But when i do drink coffee it has to have lots of creamer and sugar!!! & i loveee<3 Dunken Donuts vanella coffee!!

Answer #17

double double and maybe a shot of baileys :)

Answer #18

I take it with honey

Answer #19

It’s so hard to find a good cup of coffee in NZ. I like it to be strong, but not too bitter, but also not sweet. It has to be hot (EWWW COLD COFFEE).

Answer #20

yea mocha is good to

Answer #21

i like baileys

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