Do you cry when you feel like it, or do you tend to hold it in?

Answer #1

For me it depends, if im infront of people who i have to be strong to. friends, family, GUYS. but like people who understand me, they’ll actually sympothise.

Answer #2

depends on the situation. i usually cry when i shouldn’t & dont cry when i should. whatever f*cks the mood.

Answer #3

*be sympothetic

Answer #4

i hold it in

Answer #5

Depends on where I’m at. If I’m like at home and I need to cry then I’ll cry but there have been many situations where I’m out in public and something happened where I feel the need to cry but know this is the wrong time and I struggle with it. I have a hard time holding in tears if I’m really upset about something. Sometimes I can’t hide it

Answer #6

I usually try to hold it in, then something will happen and I’ll burst out crying lol

Answer #7

It depends on the situation. I used to cry all the time, but now I dont cry as much. I usually try to hold it in now, last time I really cried was in July. If its something really really deep tho, I’ll cry

Answer #8

I am horribly empathic and cry extremly easily. I usually try not cry , but it never does any good. I see someone else crying, I’ll start to cry. I am just very sensitive to others pain.

I think that generally crying is good. It helps to let out emotions and release stress.

Answer #9

I try not to let myself cry in front of others, I save it for when I’m alone and then let it all out.

Answer #10

I am just like that…someone hurts I hurt…Someone starts crying I tend to be the first to comfort then & cry with them! Sometimes I wish I had no emotions…even thought it does relieve a lot of stress & emotional pain. You get to a point where you try to hold it in til you get all chocked up in the throat & it just takes over & starts pouring out.
Just have to let it go sometimes!

Answer #11

I tend to hold it in, unless I absolutely can’t. I don’t really like crying in front of people. It is a great and healthy release, though.

Answer #12

I usually tend to holld it in. I can’t stand people feeling sorry for me, so I usually just wait til I get home. Or go to the bathroom, if I’m at school- or somethin’

Answer #13

both actualy…it depends on the situation, the ppl im around, etc…

Answer #14

I cry when i feel like it.but sometimes don’t want to like in akward situations.

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