How do I look more like a girl?

I am 16 years old and I enjoy dressing but I have a real boy looking face with a big build how do I look more like a girl and act and most inportantly how do I change my face with make up too look like a real girl

Answer #1

Are you a girl or a boy??? I mean I don’t know by the way you putting your question… Are you scared to say what you are; which I think is a girl… Or sorry are you lesbian that are a women feeling in the inside that you look like a men…

What ever you are you should feel happy. No body is perfect… What ever you want to be just be and don’t go bywhat people think. I think that you should have so more little selfsystem… Don’t feel bad because you are not the only one in this word that feel how you feel… When I was in high school people think that I look like a men… I look like my bad. I have his same face…my face is like my dad mix like my mom… I never go by the people…Life is to short to think about beauty… Go by your heart; not not by you look like… Beaty is not for ever…

Answer #2

eyeliner mascara makeup maybe skinny jeans if you have boobs let people no but dont b skankylicious get a good hair cut my mom and brother said I dressed like a bboy ad I did it was comfy mut the clothes I now were are comfy to so dont worry if your young you will change still most guys in my school like the stright hair so I do it I like looking pretty lol who doesnt

Answer #3

Tey wearing more girly,well look at stores in the juniors or teen section.You don’t have to wear a bunch of skirts and glitter all the time.But look in the stores.You’ll find something rite 4 u!And if you have longish hair.Take it down,Put some curls in it or straightn it or something.But that’s just me.Do what your heart says you should do.

Answer #4

Wear clothes that really show your figure. I was once mistaken as a dude,so I started wearing dark eyeliner,blue or purple eyeshadow and wore tight-fitted shirts and pants that were kinda tight. That b*tch didn’t mistake me as a dude again! =))

Answer #5

most important thing to do is use a really prettyy blush color on your cheek bones and around the eyes use light and dark colors and eye liner

Answer #6

show off your figure, you are who you are. brighten up your face, by using light colours, but dont over-do it.

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