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Ok so I have like a bright red realy itchy rash on my shaft of my dick and my ball it hurts help how do I get rid of it
yea go see a doc
Its not crabs because they dont give you rashes they burrow inside your skin inside your pubic hair. You might have scabies. Go to the doctor and get it checked out. The doctor will perscribe a this lotion that you put on then wait a week and put it on again and just repeat that if neccesary. Or they will give you a pill. Wash all your clothes and vacuum your floor, couch, and matress. If you live with somebody else tell them to look all over their body as well as yourself for anymore bumps. Hope I helped.
The only way to get rid of it will be to go to a doctor, I doubt it’s crabs, they don’t cause rashes.
Oh and you should mention it to the sexual partner/s you’ve had recently.
It hurts? Hmm that’s weird crabs itch and they don’t give you a rash unless you scratched a lot to give you that. My best advice shave . Put cornstach on the rash don’t have sex till it clears . Fyi if the rash spreads you might want to see a doc. .
as far as I learned in school, crabs isn’t a rash. but whatever it is, you definitely need to see a Doctor to find out what will take care of it.
shave every once and awhile and use edicated soap and you b straight
hmm, you go see a doctor?
Ewww.. Oh man stop sleeping with hookers.. he he he jk.. Go C A Doctor Thats your Best Bet..=] -Samantha
shave your genital parts could you still be able to get crabs? - 4 Answers
I dont have crabs or anything like that, so people dont go wondering about me or nothing. but I was just wondering, if you we...
how to take care of a salt water hermit crab? - 3 Answers
what do they eat? do they drown ? can they be left under salt water?and in general how do we take care of them?
Where can I find a Rainbow Land Crab in Florida? - 3 Answers
My cousin, Abby, is having her 9th birthday next weekend. She absoultly loves crabs and picked the Rainbow land crab out of a...
What exactly is crabs? - 1 Answers
ha what exactly is crabs.? I here people mention it buttt I dont get what exactly it is or where it comes from..I have an ide...
How do you get crabs? - 3 Answers
Do you get crabs ffrom leavin jizz in your pants?
Im 13 with crabs - 5 Answers
Im 13 with crabs what should I do ?
Do I have crabs? - 3 Answers
Ok on the side from my right balls, theres like a bump and it look like i got bit or something and its bleeding a little and ...
i itches a lot but i am not for sure i have crabs - 2 Answers
i itches a lot but i am not for sure i have crabs i be sitting behind people over my grandmother's house.
Will shaving down there give you crabs? - 6 Answers
if you shave your vigina will you get crabs?!?
How to get rid of crabs? - 2 Answers
I have something very much like the usual flees but I think a Shitzu gave me crabs. Is there a shampoo I can use to get rid ...