What do you think courage is?

what’s your definition?

Answer #1

Feeling no fear, or the ability to confront fear, pain, risk, danger, uncertainty, intimidation, etc…

Answer #2

I think courage is doing something you are scared to do.

Answer #3

The ability to speak your thoughts or do any action without caring what others will think of because it is the right thing to do. You have to be head-strong and determined and have morals.

Answer #4

I think courage is a single psrent who takes care of his or her families need, barley scraping by to make ends meet. Wondering how they are going to make it each month.

Answer #5

to have balls to do what it is needed to be done. without fear or hesitation from negative reprocussions.

Answer #6

the ability to stand up for what’s right

Answer #7

Courage is a free mouth!

Answer #8

being able to do something that frightens you

Answer #9

Not being afraid to stand out in a crowd, taking chances and having the courage to help someone when nobody want to

Answer #10

As put by Winston Churchill “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm”

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