How often should a couple 'get sexy' together?

Answer #1

They say atleast 2 times a week helps keep stress down. Persoanlly me and my boyfriend do whenever we feel like it.

Answer #2

Hmm fair enough =]

Answer #3

At your age I wouldn’t worry about it too much, just let nature take it’s course (be safe and responsible!!!!) When you become my age is when “how often” starts to become an issue for ya. For now, no worries for you.

Answer #4

Hahaha! Nooo I’m not meaning about my age an me wanting to do it and when I personally should… I’m just curious!

Answer #5

As much as you want to, be spontaneous! :) It’s healthy and keeps stress down. Also helps you sleep better.

Answer #6

when ever ur in the mood:) honestly we used to get “sexy” lol once a week cause i am not the intimate also depends on ur partner, if shes not in the mood .. make sure u guys play safe;)

Answer #7

I don’t think there is any ‘should’ about it? Sex is best when its spontaneous? The average couple have it twice a week. I think it just all depends on your sex drives? Me and my partner of 2n half yrs do something usually every other night? But I know a friend of mine who only does it roughly once a fortnight and they’re really happy with one another? So all depends on your relationship and sex drives

Answer #8

Well I’m only 16.. What would you say for my age?:3

Answer #9

Oh well I don’t think there are any “rules” whatever works for each individual couple.

Answer #10

Well, im 17 years old, and i have a girlfriend where we are sexually active, now, let me give you an example how having sex at a (safe) amount of times, is good, see, i havent had sex in, 3 weeks, because of reasons, you know, “girl time”, mom being a cock block, etc. but, i have been stressing my ASS off, you know, sexually deprived, and depressed, and, it leads to many thoughts about where your relationship is for a guy, probably even for the girl, i began to doubt her opinion of me, we had a recent discussion that cleared that up, but here is the thing, sex, should be something that you should not think you need to be cool, or, to say you have it done, it should be for your mental well being, and for a “emotional” connection, if you so seek, but, just to have fun, and get comfortable with each other’s bodies. Very important, like, she is completely comfortable undressing in front of me, and she would never do that with anyone, well that, and she likes to tease me ;P. LOL, hope i helped yo

Answer #11

Yeah, maybe manually please one another instead.

Answer #12

I do it every day, she does it about once a week.

Answer #13

I do it every day, she does it about once a week.

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