Which country do you think is good for shopping?

Answer #1


Answer #2

Usually, the one you’re currently in at the moment, as you wont’ have to travel as far to shop.

Answer #3

i love to travel to shop around ?

Answer #4

Ive heard that Curacao is good as well as Miami and New York, Paris, .. It all depend on the type of shopping you want to do and your budget. You can always find some great bargain shops in your own country if you are on a tight budget.

Answer #5

LA. So I’ve heard.

Answer #6

Paris and Malaysia!

Answer #7

I forgot the part where paris is a country devyn…hehehe

Answer #8

?? Paris is a country lol

Answer #9

Actually China is awesome. zYou can get stuff that looks real but its fake for very low prices and real stuff too. You can get like a whole season of any show for only a buck a disc.

Answer #10

Agreed. I get a lot of stuff imported from China :)

Answer #11

I hope to God your kidding…It’s the capital of France, you idiot!hehehe! Better study up on your capitals! ;)

Answer #12

Hehehe! Thats cool!

Answer #13


birmingham - the bullring shopping center and im not even gonna crack a ghey joke about \online/ being the best country to shop.

Answer #14

Brussels in Belgium. Amazing city!

Answer #15

i wouldnt reccomend buying fake knock-off things from china, its just funding more children and women to work in sweatshops illegally for next to nothing and its also funds things like terr0rism and other crimes. you really dont know were your money is going…i personally like ebay for shopping, as its kind of lik a giant garage sale and im more into getting unusual things and stuff i cant find at local big name/brand stores

Answer #16

I was in Japan once and found the shopping fantastic. A Dentist from Taiwan once told me that there is plenty of good shopping in his country.

Answer #17

Every stupid corporation has stupid sweatshops hiring those poor souls. They found 300 kids working to make apple products…So I don’t know who to buy from anymore…

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