could be pregnant! whatr should I do!!??

uh so me and my boyfriend have been dating for over 7 months and have been sexually active since about a month since we started dating. we always had protected sex but lately he just didnt care and even though we had condoms he just would wait and just not cum inside me. I know it sounds very irresponssible and I regret it VERY MUCH. we broke up last week b/c he is very aggressive with me and we just were forced to end it. I was ecspecting my period for the 19th of oct. and not even a spotting I’ve had. two weeks ago I took two pregnancy tests with him and both came out negative. he just forgot about the subject but its been three weeks since that and no signs of my period. I usually get cramps and feel sick but nothing. now I am seriously worried because me and my boyfriend are only 16. and there is no way we can go back together waht happened between us was very serious. what should I do. im taking another preg. test tomorrow but if it comes out negative then why dont I have my period?

Answer #1

There are a lot of reasons why a girl doesn’t get her period…the biggest one is stress. If you are pregnant think about all your options and make the best decision for you. If you’re not then you can go to the doctor to find out if something else is going on but with everything that you’ve said on here it could just be because of stress.

Good luck :)

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