Convincing my mom

OMG! My mom changed her mind! She said I could be vegetarian then she changed it and said I HAVE to eat fish. How can I show her I can get everything my body needs on a vegetarian diet?

Answer #1

Well even though fish is not a meat its still an animal my parents bug me all the time about eating fish and I just brush it off tomorrow will be 2 years and every day they try to get me to eat a fish or something and I say NOOO

you also may get info an show your mom like trying show here that vegetarians dont eat it

Answer #2

How about a compromise? Start off with the no meat for now… and after a bit, once the only thing you’re eating is fish, you can just slowly switch from fish to vegetarian stuff that has the same nutritional stuff that fish does?

Answer #3

Vegetarians can eat fish. A lot of them do…I believe you’d be a vegan if you didn’t eat fish either, and there are other things that they won’t eat. But anyway, do the research, go to her knowing what you’re going to say. Print out some things showing her the nutritious value of foods that aren’t meat. They’re out there. You just have to do the work.

Answer #4

well technically fish is not a meat its a fish so I thinjk semi vegitarians can eat it. my sis is a veg. and she eats fish and eggs so its actually still ok for them to eat fish :) hope this helped.

Answer #5

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  You are 18, but apparently still living in your mother’s house. Therefore, out of respect, while at home, eat as your mother suggests. Once you are out on your own you can do as you wish.

Also, you cannot obtain everything your body needs from a simple vegetarian diet. You would need to take nutritional supplements to stay healthy.

And, too, keep in mind that mankind became the creature (human) BECAUSE of his learning to eat meat, besides the fruits and vegetables of his original diet.

Answer #6

Write a report. State your reasons for wanting to be a vegetarian and the health benefits. Also talk about the downsides of being a vegetarian, and how you could counteract the negative aspects so they won’t be a problem for you. Include nutrition facts for the foods you want to eat instead, and recipes for meals for a month. Show her how important it is to you.

Answer #7

what the f*ck?! fish is not meat? volleeit…where’d you come up with that load of crap? fish comes from an animal…and animals are made of meat…are you seeing a correlation here? think back to school and do one of those if/then statements in your head. any vegetarian that eats fish isn’t a vegetarian. they’re just a weak omnivore. if your mom says you have to eat fish, there’s not much you can do about it. best of luck.

Answer #8

Probably the best books on vegetarian nutrition are from Dean Ornish. He is one of the few doctors who have been successful reversing heart disease though diet. Knowledge is your best bet to convince your mom.

To me someone who eats fish is not a vegetarian. Some people say pesco-vegetarian or semivegetarian but vegetarians generally do not eat any flesh.

Answer #9

Is fish going to make you gain weight?

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