Confusing riddle

You approach two talking doors. One door leads to the city of truth, while the other door leads to the city of liars. You do not know which door is which. You are able to ask only one question to determine which door is which. The door that leads to the city of liars always speaks lies, while the door that leads to the city of truth always speaks the truth. You want to go to the city of truth. What question do you ask to determine which door leads to the city of truth

Think hard for the answer.

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Answer #1

Which Door Is the city of truth

Answer #2

u ask “are you a door” and witch ever one says “no” take the opposite..since it speaks ONLY lies..

Answer #3

if the liar is the truth witch 1 is the liar?

Answer #4

whos the best liar am I right ?

Answer #5

ask if you are a patato

Answer #6

I would ask one of the doors: If I was to ask the other door if you lead to the city of truth what would it say?

If the door I asked says yes then that means that the other door must be the correct door. Because The door I asked must always lie. If it says no then it must be the correct door because it always tells the truth and the other door always lies so it would be lying when it said no.

Answer #7

it is a rhetorical question, you have to ask a question that you only know the truth

Answer #8

You ask them what door the other one would say to take… Then take the opposite door :) did I get this one too?

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