Conformist or not?

Do you see urself as a conformist or a free man? And im not tring to affend anyone

Answer #1

A person with free will to make good or bad choices in life - trying’ hard to keep ‘em good !!

Answer #2

im not a minor

Answer #3

Everyone is free, but most people choose to conform because it’s easier.

Answer #4

I’m both.

I conform when I think it’s the smart thing to do, not because I feel obligated to do so. I “nonconform” when I’m willing to pay the price.

Answer #5

non conformist lol who wants to conform now a days!!!

Answer #6

im definantly a non-conformist. I’ve never conformed to anything for too long ( in terms like school dress and stuff) I dont work, I do what I want, when I want. I do exactly what I want to do in life. and nothing comes in the way. and because I dont care about money or anything I can keep doing things my way. in my case its skating. I could be penniless but if im skating, then im happy. im a free “man” so to speak lol. but a lot of people arnt

Answer #7

Non-conformist… All the way. Society sucks, cause they are mean… IM A FREE MAN!

Answer #8

When you’re a minor, you’re in virtual shackles…


Answer #9

ahh but I am

Answer #10

well, everything is conformity being emo to rebel against society is only forming a subsociety and being preppy is conformity free thinkers are a group of their own, very diverse, but still a group. Id like to see myself as a free thinker. I do my own thing, don’t care what everyone else is doing, shop at everywhere from Abercrombie to Hot Topic to thrift stores, express myself through writing, and dont get along well with ignorant and unintelligent people conformity has numbers behind a person but most of the time, nonconformity has the truth.

Answer #11

non comformist I do whatever the heck I want! free as the wind! and free as the wind’s wind! lol

Answer #12

Why do what everyone else is doing?

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