What do you think about companies hireing bounty hunters to see if their employees are really sick when they call of work?

is it legal?

Answer #1

Its definatly an invasion of privacy, but its not illegal. I assume it works the same as when people hire private investigators to spy on their spouses, which is legal. I can understand the businesses frustration, because years of working in retail and bakeries has taught me how much someone calling in sick affects the rest of the employees and businesses and its very frustrating. I think this is going a bit too far though..if i found out a job was sending people to spy on me id find another job. I need my privacy and its not really their business what i had to use a sick day for.

Answer #2

Like mandyloo said, it’s most likely a great step towards being an invasion of privacy but I believe it’s also legal. It seems like a big waste of money to investigate someone for taking a day off (for whatever reason), a kind of expense a company who has to investigate employees for their “sick days” shouldn’t be able to afford to make.

Answer #3

I think they have issues much larger than a worker not showing for work, lol.

Answer #4

I think the way around this is to get rid of sick days all together. Just give everyone a set number of days for holidays, personal days, sick days, and vacation. There should be a sick leave pool that employees can contribute to and draw from should they get a very serious injury or disease that requires extended time from work.

Answer #5

It is an invasion of privacy and I guess they have lack of trust for that person.My uncle gets sick days and he takes them off in the summer for vacation and they know where he works and they are fine with it , but i guess every place is alot different.

Answer #6

It defeats the purpose of sick days. If a company does not want their workers to be taking sick days if they are not really sick, they should not allow sick time. They would still have plenty of workers who would not care considering the amount of people looking for jobs. Why complain that a person has wasted your money by taking a sick day where they were not really sick and then go and waste more money to pay someone to investigate the situation. Seems redundant to me?

Answer #7

Here’s the thing. It seems to be ridiculous because it isnt cost effective. A PI is going to charge more than whatever the worker made for that one day. I dont understand what the logic would be.

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