College tips on how to get by?

It’s hard gettin used to it. need tips on how to get by on life. haha

Answer #1

To start out, get aquainted with your classmates that might be in the class with you, get to know the professor, study, and remember what you learn. I was nervous at first when I first started college but, I was able to get over that fear. College can be nerve racking at first but, once you get to know the campus, and the staff, then you’ll be alright. So, to get by in life, all you need to do is, study for you’re classes, think about what you want to major in, or, try to come up with ways to cope with college overall. College isn’t like High School thank goodness, since you don’t have to deal with the drama that happens in High School. People in college are more calmer, they mature, and think differently. Good luck and I hope you stick it out.

Answer #2

the fine art of bu11sh1t…look confident, act it, however you do it, confident- do that your half way there - and DON’T PROCRASTINATE!!

Answer #3

Stay strong? It’s only for a little while– but appearances are important, so try to look like you know what you’re doing.

Answer #4

Stay strong? It’s only for a little while– but appearances are important, so try to look like you know what you’re doing.

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