
Are cochroachs nocturnal? Because at night when I go in the Bathroom there is always the same cochroach on the door frame. I dont kill him because he only comes out at night.

Answer #1

u can kill them bc they can coem to kitchen too, I see them in day time too

Answer #2

For the one cockroach you do see there are thousands you can’t. Get some extermination done by a trusted source and do it for a year. It took me that long to have mine forever gone.

Answer #3

thanks you guys

Answer #4

Yes, as a general rule cockroaches will mostly display nocturnal characteristics and will often flee when they are exposed to light. They are not completely nocturnal though, they just favour moving around in areas which are darker. That’s not the case for all species of cockroach though. I never kill cockroaches, lol.

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