Can you make clove cigarettes with ground cloves?

Answer #1

U probably cud but clove smokes r nasty

Answer #2

Thats your opinion.

Answer #3

Yep sure is just my opinion, didn’t mean to offend u or anything

Answer #4

Yes, I’ve done it. I used Drum halfzware shag (back when it was imported) and 1 clove bud per cig. Use a mortar and pestle to grind the clove to a rough consistency, like cornmeal, then put it in a bag with a cig’s worth of tobacco and shake it up till it’s fairly mixed. I thought it tasted alot more smooth than pre-fab clove cigs, yet the anesthetic effect was stronger.

Answer #5

Dude your like. 15. Go ride a bike or something.

Answer #6

It was simply a question. I wasnt saying that i was actually going to do it or not.

Answer #7

It was simply a question. I wasnt saying that i was actually going to do it or not.

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