How do I clean my system of meth in 24hrs

Answer #1

What you’re asking is virtually impossible … even the best detox system can take 3 - 5 days to clean out your system. Here are a few more answers that may help you …

Answer #2

Don’t do meth in the first place?

Answer #3

I just don’t understand why people continue to take drgs right up until their drg tests. Unfortunately for you, 24 hours is not enough time to get this stuff out of your system. Your best bet would be to take some Niacin and hope for the best. Don’t overdose with Niacin either because this in itself can be dangerous (take no more than twice the recommended dosage). For future reference, research has found that the most reliable means of passing drg tests is to not take drgs………

Answer #4

Hello Wheatonjim589,

                                 I don't know how or when you decided it might be a good idea to start taking this muck. You put your age at sixteen, I hope you are fit & healthy at such an 

early stage in your life. I say that because you are damaging your body & mind. Please believe me when I tell you that I personally know people who went down the road you seem to have chosen. It is not a story with a happy ending.

                                      It is difficult to try and communicate with people who I know nothing about, for all I know you just might be fooling around asking dumb,made up questions,( I hope you are). If you are not fooling, do you think you could sit down somewhere quiet,where you will not be disturbed and just take as long as you like to think deeply about your life as it is now & in the future.
                                        It doesn't matter what the substance is,whether it be, alcohol,meth,whatever. Healthwise, you will probably get away with it for years, what you won't get away with,will be all the incidents you will inevitably get involved with,( if you become dependent on any of this stuff). Anything bad that happens to you will,more than likely be down to substance misuse.
                                        As you get older, I don't know, I'm assuming you might have one or two little fellers who will be dependent on you. Life can be good, no matter how negative you think of yourself. I hope I have made you think about the consequences of which path you choose to go down in your life. I am going to get out of your hair now,well,almost. Even if your best friend thinks it's ok to take stuff, stand up for yourself, look after yourself,respect yourself!!! You probably think I walk around with a black cloud following me about,not true, although I've had a few rough times myself, I'm just a reasonably happy,normal person. I am definitely going now , I can almost sense your eyelids closing.
                    All the best, Itwasim.
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