What are some Christmas gifts for under $10?

Answer #1

Depends on who its for but here’s some ideas: a nice picture frame with your favorite memory in it, a shirt/sweater, a gift basket with their favorite candies, a gift basket with some soaps/bubble bath stuff, a CD of their favorite band, write a nice poem of how much they mean to you, an inexpensive necklace/bracelet/ring (you can find ones on amazon.com), something that fits their hobbies, go to the store, buy ingredients and make them special cookies/breakfast or another baked good, assorted lotions/perfumes, a T-shirt of their favorite band or another article of clothing, makeup/hair products, you can always just simply make them something creative.

Answer #2

crayons, coffee mugs, ornaments, tooth brush, electric piggy banks, sheets, stuffed animals, itunes card, candy, Christmas jewelry, socks, pokemon cards, bendy straws, picture frames, gel pens, yummy soaps, candles, fingernail polish, CD’s, tee shirts, cookies, fleece blankets, SNUGGIES, salad bowls, deoderant, pajamas, Dvds, Charm bracelets, flowers, books, toenail clippers, loofahs, bubble bath, case of beer, jelly bracelets, foot scrub, wine classes, 10$ giftcards, coupons (one free…), stickers, box of chocolates, a happy meal.

Answer #3

My grandma often designs her own piggy bank the 1 dollars ones, and then adds paint, and glitter to it. They look extremely cool. Mine is purple with black glitter. I love a good pajama bottoms. Depends who your looking for.

Answer #4

football if it is for kids , for adults or some one special then crystal

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