Christmas decorations

Christmas is the weirdest time of year, you can put up your decorations the day after Halloween and keep them up until after New years and people don’t ask you why you havent taken your decorations down. Has anyone put up their christmas decorations already?

Answer #1

I started putting up the inside Christmas decorations only because we are hosting a Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner next weekend and the house has to be ready. The outside decorations will go up next week, so they can be turned on right after Thanksgiving.

Answer #2

I put up my chistmas decor a week after thanksgiving and take it down a week after newyears. I do it like this with all the holidays, my kids just put up the thanksgiving decor this afternoon.

Answer #3

I still think it’s too soon for christmas decorations, Christ I still have halloween decorations up =]

Answer #4

FOr outside decorations we live by the rules of the assosiation. They tell us we can put our decorations up no sooner than a month before the holiday and they have to be down no later than 30 days after the holiday. It’s sick cycle really. We spend all of september planning for halloween. A day, two tops, setting them up play around on the night of and take them down a week later just to get ready for christmas. We’re one of those Psycho-Families that goes all out for the holidays. Out storage is 10x16. On each side is a homedepot-like shelf system that packs boxes of decorations to the cealing. As for as indoor decorating goes it maybe takes a week to get it all done. From the tree to the wreaths to the little christmas knick knacks. Its one big mess. But we usually have it down on december 26th. got to love the Holiday Season.

Answer #5

As much as I’d like to decorate my place, I really don’t have a place to decorate. lol Truck driving is a tedious job. :( I miss having a tree and a million lights to put up.

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