What does everyone want for Christmas?

Answer #1

My college degree to just magically appear at my doorstep, enough money to send my parents to live on their very own island in Tahiti so they didn’t have to work so hard anymore and they could just relax for the rest of their lives, money to buy my boyfriend as many paddles and one-man canoes as he wanted, and enough money for me to support myself and my parents for the rest of our lives…

Answer #2

I just want the holidays to be over.

Answer #3

I want for me to be able to get through University with my degree without wasting anymore money! And I also want my parents to be happier, they were so … different towards one another during vacation.

Answer #4

You guys are being dramatic! Hahaha. I want/need a new phone; I want a white Galaxy 3 & hellraisers.<3

Answer #5

To be happy since I haven’t been in months

Answer #6

A bigg bootay hoee.

Answer #7

There’s nothing I want. I have everything I need. I’ve learned to be satisfied with what I have. You know, you can always strive to be a better person. You don’t need a special holiday for that. Instead of just praying for peace in the world, you can try to bring peace into your home, neighborhood or community through acts of kindness. And in the case where there are people who are truly in need through no fault of their own, you can do things to try and help them have better lives. Provide the cold with blankets. The hungry with food. Teach someone who doesn’t know how to read through a literacy program. There are so many things you can do. I once worked as a volunteer at a nursing home and at a hospital. I met the most wonderful people there who were also volunteering. This activity lifted my spirits and helped others and they were so grateful for the help I gave them. So this Christmas and every day afterwards, make a commitment to not let one day pass where you don’t (a) learn something new, and (b) don’t help lift someone’s burdens. Then you can give the Spirit of Christmas to yourself and at least one other person every day for the rest of your life.

Answer #8

I really just want to spend time with my family/cousins this year! My family doesn’t really celebrate Xmas so we really don’t go anywhere or see anyone, but this year we are being more festive… so I’m really excited. :)

Answer #9


Answer #10


Answer #11

I want to score a century for my cricket team, lol. Been a long drought!

Answer #12

I’ve always been one of those “too modest to admit I want stuff” people and stuck with the whole “it’s not about the gifts” ideal. Honestly, I do still feel like that … there’s nothing material that I can think of wanting, but instead of pretending my life is perfect, I’m going to be honest this year and say that I want my hubby to get that promotion he’s been waiting so long for.

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