What chord progression can I use to go from a piece in F major, to the next piece, which is in E flat major?

Answer #1

You can use any form of a “C” or an “A Minor”

Answer #2

I’ve tried C, but thanks, I’ll fiddle around with A minor.

Answer #3

Try a C with a seventh on it i think it sounds good with a F major

Answer #4

They don’t quite work with the songs I’m doing >.< Thanks for your help though!

Answer #5

are you trying to link to pieces or something? what kindo of pieces are we talking about? really i think you are talking about a key change. and all you do is at the end of the last chord progression you start the new one immediately.

Answer #6

you can use the IV chord in F major as a pivot chord, which would be the dominant in Eb major, and then confirm the new key by playing the new I chord. You’re set.

Answer #7

(this is actually incorrect. A direct modulation like this would just make it sound like a completely different song instead of forming a link between the two.

Answer #8

I’m not just linking the songs, I’m turning one song into another song. Thanks for all of the advice though. :)

Answer #9

No problem!

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