What to do when a child throws a fit?

I have a four year old who I babysit for, and he has a tendency to throw a massive hissy fit whenever he doesn’t get his way. He’ll throw things, yell out things, stomp around the house, lock himself in his room, hit people, etc. When I try putting him in a time out, it doesn’t work. What should I do when he throws his fits?

Answer #1

just let him continue with it, unless hes harming himself then take action but just ignore him. most kids want and love when all attention and once you quit giving it to him he might quit. if not take away his toys or say he cant go outside until he learns to behave correctly. oh and dony give hom sweets, thats like saying its okay to act the way he does because your like rewarding him with it. hope this helps! :)

Answer #2

sorry for the spelling mistakes im on my phone :/ lol

Answer #3

Ignore him and do not give him what he wants.

Answer #4

I guess beating them is not an option.

Answer #5

Since my kids are older, I like to put their mind to work when they do something. I have a notebook and will make them write me pages of things they will not do, or will do, or what ever the crime is. They seem to hate this and would prefer I ground them then make them write for a few hours.

Answer #6

You ignore it unless he’s a threat to himself. And you do not give him what he wants (even if he stops). You cant reward bad behavior. Try rewarding good behavior. When he’s good, point out what he’s doing good and use praise/ little rewards like TV time.

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