what are some cheesy dance moves?

Answer #1

the “sprinkler” or whatever haha, that swimming one idk what its called.. lol

Answer #2

The grocery cart. U walk like u r pushing a cart and suddenly stop and pretend to grab somethingnoff the shelf and put it in ur cart

Answer #3

the Running man

Answer #4

that thing where you put ur hand behind ur head and grab ur foot… idk what its called but its funny and retarded

Answer #5

hey!! dnt hate on the running man! lol it CAN be done right! haha

Answer #6

The qtip haha ‘throw it away, throw it away’’ :P

Answer #7

Oh good gracious, the sprinkler IS cheesy… but awesome :P I want my husband to do that at our wedding. :D hahaha

Answer #8

lol that would be funny… ima do that when me and my cuzin dance at the mall again and see what ppl do when they see us all breakdancing and stuff, then i just bust out with the sprinkler haha

Answer #9

Even then it still looks funny… but of course I haven’t seen you try it!

Answer #10

hahahah record it, will you? :P

Answer #11

haha i’ll ask my cuz for a video cam lol

Answer #12


Answer #13

The chicken dance is cheesy, but cute. xD Some others..

-The disco pointing dance move.

  • The water sprinkler.
  • The lawn mower. (You pull the cord a few times to start “it”, then go. xD)
  • The nose dive/snorkel one. (Plug the nose and pretend you’re waving down.)
  • The cat eye thing where you put your hands to your eyes, part the two fingers, then “wave” away
Answer #14

You’re going to post it on here right?? :D

Answer #15

hahahah!!! what did i get myself into? lol surrre why not?

Answer #16

I’ll have to see the ‘lawn mower’ lmao

Answer #17

Yay!! :)

Answer #18

Haha. Here’s an example:



Answer #19


Answer #20

You can add it to the video you are going to post on here of you doing the sprinkler… maybe you can change my mind! :P

Answer #21

That is cheesyy!! Who comes up with this stuff???

Answer #22

haha not MAYBE, i WILL change ur mind..

Answer #23

hahahaha not bad. :P how about rolling the dice? LOL

Answer #24

Maybe!! Who knows… I’m not around many dancers so you have a pretty good chance. :)

Answer #25

haha cool, cool..

Answer #26

Rofl. This is all I could find dice wise: http://funadvice.com/r/3k42gb1fgo

Hahah, I love it.

Answer #27

idk lol

Answer #28

thats some funny stuff haha

Answer #29

do it! do it! do it!!!! haha

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