Cheap boyfriend

Okay me and my boyfriend have been dating for a while now. But he has never taken me out anywhere. && when hes does he never pays for me. And osmetimes he will ask if I want anything to to eat somewhere but I have to pay. He never wants to go anywhere we sit at my house and watch movies and sleep when I ask to go somewhere he says nooo I dont feeel like it then I say ohh we can use my moms car then hes says yes because he doesnt have to use his gas. I dont know what to do. Help.? I mean I odnt expect him to pay for everything but I meean I atleast want him to take me on a date out to eat or the movies.

Answer #1

hmm.weird. well referring to the message I would just advice that you get it checked out immediately. =/

Answer #2

yeahh but I dont know how to tell him. I mean he just turned 18 less then a month ago. he has a job and eveything its not like he doesnt have money I just dont understand ittt. yeahh though I guess the best thing is to just talk to him. thanksss.

Answer #3

oh by the way… I just got your email…I responded back…but I dont know if it sent, so let me know if you dont get anything..

Answer #4

oh ok. well it may be just a faze hes going threw, he may not have the experience of a relationship and prob not know the best way to make you happy or how things may bother you… best advice is to come out and tell him. =)

Answer #5

ya it’s hard. and it will never get easy. =( when you feel its the right time and when you find the right thing to say then it will happen. sorry I cant give you a answer and what exactly to say. every body is different and without knowing him, I wouldnt know what to tell you to say.

no worries tho, it will come. in the mean time, come up with things for the 2 of you to do. and get him motivated… instead of sleeping and watching movies all the time. I dont know where you live but there are tons of things to do. you just have to take the initiative to come up with something and make it happen instead of the whole…”so, want to do something”… “umm nah lets just watch a movie” lol. have a plan

Answer #6

just tell him how you feel. get it threw his head…trust me if you dont say something now and tell him the truth on how you feel he is never going to change…sorry to say.

Trust me I was in your same shoes with my X & sometimes, even after you tell them, they still dont change. But it’s worth trying. After telling him if it doesnt work, then you need to make the decision if thats something you can just deal with and except the fact of what hes like, or move on.. Hints…I couldnt deal with it, that is why mine is classified as my X! haha

Answer #7

noo I ddint get anything backk.

Answer #8

im 15 && weve been talkin for 3 onths and dating for 3 months. I was his first.

Answer #9

welcome. out of curiosity …how long have you been dating and how old are you?

Answer #10

thnaksss. your righttt.

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