If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

Answer #1

Expunge all religion.

Answer #2


Answer #3


Answer #4

I am not religious, but I don’t think religion is the problem, I think the extremists and the people who use it against others are the problem.

Answer #5

Remove out of planet earth all organized religions and their belief in gods, holy books of laws, and supernatural man made beings. Too many people have died in these holy wars and it is just a matter of time until someone in the name of a god will find a way to launch a nuclear war head that will start the end of all we know. Do you think any of your gods will intervene and stop a nuclear Armageddon? Nope. We will all turn to dust.

Answer #6

other than religion…I would get rid of money,we dont need it…The world would be a better place if we did away with it all together.Money is a thing created by the rich to enslave the poor IMO

Answer #7


Answer #8

@onemandog - Why not?

Answer #9

@ Estragon- I asked you first……..:) You said expunge all religion, I’m just asking why?

Answer #10

If you give me your answer, I’ll give you mine. Not picking a fight here…..just want to know your reasoning.

Answer #11

Extremists, and well, humans in general. Though several above had stated religion in general, I think it’s the extremists. Quite frankly, I see hate against religion to be as “extremist” as religious hate for atheism. It’s the humans, not the religion or lack thereof itself. In that sense, since atheists believe that God, or Gods are a creation of human-kind, the “fault” is then back again to humans. Tolerance, I think, is what everyone should strive for for peace as a whole.

Answer #12

@onemandog - my considered answer to your “Why?” was in my opinion adequately expressed by “Why not?”. The latter was merely a ‘rhetorical question’ intended to indicate my reluctance to waste time in further elucidating a simple pipe dream.

Answer #13

@Estragon …I am impressed with ya words, you make me want to read a dictionery(might help my spelling to)…You make the English that I know seem cheap and immature.I wish I could write and talk so well as you did then.Respect to you.And a lesson for us all, me think?

Answer #14

@Estragon- Thank you for your explanation. Here’s mine: (without promoting my own belief) (on second thought, I’m Christian and can’t help but include my heart felt feelings, there gonna come out anyway) (had to scroll back up to add this) 1st, religion of all kinds means a great deal to a lot of, if not the majority of the world……it brings people together and does great things to help others. What’s wrong with that? 2nd: It seems to me that non-believers are afraid of something and constantly bashing people who believe. Calling it a pipe dream is quite offensive…………..can you remember when a Christian ever “slammed” you for anything? I doubt that it’s ever happened. I think it was wrong and offensive for you to post that answer. I still don’t understand why that was your first choice when you had the option to change “one” thing. Really? Why do you hate it that much? I think you are misinformed about the reality of everything. The most intelligent can be a fool when they have no understanding. Sorry I sound pissed, it was the pipe dream comment that did it. Doesn’t mean we aren’t friends.

Answer #15

i think how much weirdos and sick people there are in this world….. its just horrible hearing about people being murdered and all the kids that go missing just horrible… its sad

Answer #16

i agree i wonder how the world would be without it if we just kinda traded for stuff we needed instead of having money

Answer #17

Its all about money…everything is money led.Gold is the only true currency in this world and money is just something that the keepers/collectors of gold use in order to enslave us .clever, but a bummer IMO

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