How can I change my Google Chrome settings to UK spellings?

Im tired of it always saying im spelling things wrong.

Answer #1

Click the spanner in the top right of the browser window. Go to options. Go to ‘Under the hood’ and scroll down. Almost at the bottom there’s a section called Web Content with a button that says ‘Change font and language settings’. Click that, then the language tab and there you can pick your language :)

Answer #2

There does not seem to be an option to change the dictionary within the installed instance of Chrome.

However, …..

….. You have probably downloaded and installed the “English” version of Google Chrome, rather than the “English (UK) version.

If you go to the download site at

You will see that there is a drop-down menu box in the top right hand corner. Click the down arrow in that box and select “English (UK)”.

I don’t know whether you can install it “ontop of” your existing installation of “Chrome”, but you could try it and see what happens.

Alternatively, uninstall the existing instance and then install the new English (UK) version.

Chrome is one of the browsers that I use fairly regularly, and I have not noticed any tendency for it to tell me I’m spelling things wrong - so I guess I installed the UK version since I almost always use UK spellings.

– Best wishes - Majikthise.

Answer #3

I agree with Emily - well done ! I did not spot that option when I looked.

Answer #4

^ Please ignore the above and use Emily’s suggestion.

Answer #5

:$ aha :)

Answer #6

thanks, i really appreciate it guys! :]

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