Do cellphones give out radiation?

Answer #1

Yes they do but since cell phones have not been around for long, it will take years to know the actual damages by having solid data.

Right now the only agency that say we should limit cell phone usage due to exposure to radiation and possibly getting brain cancer is the World Health Organization.

Answer #2

Yes but the question is if the radiation is harmful.

Cell phones transmit non-ionizing radiation which is not energetic enough to directly alter molecules. Non-ionizing radiation can still injure tissue by dielectric heating (the principal microwave ovens exploit to heat food). Cell phones to maximize battery life only use the minimum power necessary to reach the closest cell tower and typically is less than 1 watt. In theory non-ionizing radiation like that from cell phones is too weak to heat tissue and should not cause damage. There are conflicting studies on the subject of cell phone radiation. Some note higher rates of certain cancers in heavy cell phone users while others could find no link.

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