Caught in the middle?

My friend wants me to ask out my friend for him, I did, she didnt give an answer, she doesn’t like him, how do I tell him without you know.. upsetting him, He’s my everything, my best friend, my heart beat. I dun want him to be upset. I hate when he’s upset. Ahhh. Help. Thanks. P.S. If I have any typos I broked my thumb Lol. It hurts. A lot.

Answer #1

oww your thumb! can you say painful!!! anyways to your question! I would start pointing out other girls to him, make it seem all casual, he will probably get the point that she has said no, but joke about it, make it seem like there is nothing wrong with it at all. because honestly there isn’t, its just a girl and it happens all the time. otherwise just tell him and let it run its course.

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