How does Catdog go to the bathroom?

how does catdog go 2 the bathroom?

Answer #1

He goes through the bathroom door :P

Catdog doesn’t need to go to the bathroom, so he doesn’t. Much like Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force - “my body consumes all waste. Its like the thunderdome in there!”

Cute cat pictures by the way!

Answer #2

It’s a cartoon, they never really showed them going to the bathroom, so I don’t know. Out their mouths, you saw Dog cough up that hairball!

Answer #3

Since they are just a cartoon character, and not actually real, they don’t actually “go” to the bathroom. But if they did, I would imagine that, as the above suggests, that when ever one of them eats something, the other one must have to spit it out of their mouth. A disgusting existence, that’s why they are not on the air anymore, they committed double-homicide/suicide. Very sad. And tragic. But can you say you wouldn’t have done the same? No, you cannot.

Answer #4

They call on the cartoon elf who comes in every other day and gains access to a panel on their back. (It is always hidden from the camera, and also camouflaged, just in case.) The elf removes a polystyrene bag from there, but all it holds are the really bad skits and jokes that weren’t worth broadcasting. What is little known is that Catdog has such an efficient metabolism that the only thing that doesn’t get turned into energy is … yes, you got it. That very same hairball. Scientists are working with Catdog in an effort to understand this phenomena. Catdog is very modest about this very important contribution to the world’s energy crisis, and would appreciate it if you didn’t let anyone know about it. Thank you!

Answer #5

secret hole under them and only showed in the uncut episodes

Answer #6

Um…it’s not real. So they don’t.

Answer #7

that was the most STUPID cartoon in the WHOLE world!! and I.d.k I dont think they went 2 the bathroom!

Answer #8

Maybe they visit the ‘litteryard’…

Answer #9

I thnk they never do,because there stomache is like twice the size so it jus gets rid o f it alll

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