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Cartliege piercing restrictions
I reall really really want to get a catliege piercing before school this fall. But my mom said that since I play softball (season starts mid septemeber) but I have practices now that I cant get one because I cant take it out. Also she said I cant go swimming with it in either because it will get infected??? For those of you who have a cartliege piercing is all this true or is my mom making it up so I dont get one. Lol sry if this seems stupid im j/w. Btw im 14 so any tips or advice on these piercings. Thanks for your help :)
I got mine when I was 12 BIG mistake it got crazy infected and all wraped up in my hhair and you need to take it out for p.e. and softball I don’t know about the swimming thing tho mine diddnt I got pierced agine this yr to c if I were more responsible I’ve been ok with it but I changed it to early I would prob wait till winter/spring break also good luck!! : )
I have a industrial peircing in my cartliage and the pool water dont do nothing to it while its healing I would just clean it after so that it wont get dirty and infected and I play softball to you dont have to take it out just keep your hair out of the way of the peircing and the helmet might bother it a bit though just try not to rub the helmet against your ear much or it would irritate t\it
swimming could infect it if you are in a pool with a lot of chlorine and putting a helmet on when you go up to bat will absolutley kill you, I had to do that too for my last game. I would wait it out till the end of softball
yea your moms right, my sister wanted to do the same thing. I’d wait
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