Career books

I’ve been reading up on things and I am trying to get on track to a new career…money and everything is hard and I’m hoping to start my career new and do things right this time. (my goal at least, you gotta have some kind of goal in life) =)

I was reading up and found some interesting books & programs on buying and re-selling forclosure homes. theres one book I’m interested in thats called “be a real estate millionaire: secret strategies to lifetime wealth today “ by: dean g. and then a program that runs about $80 .. You can find it by google.type in property forclosures by lance young. “ make money in real estate”

Has any one read any of these or done the program? I would really appreciate any advice on this topic it would be greatly appreciated

Thanks again

Answer #1

I think I’d stay away from the real estate market at the moment…interest rates are still too low, which means the prices haven’t fallen as much as they could. When I was 5 or 6, in the early 80’s, interest rates were 16+%…if they rose to that level, today, real estate values would tumble an extra 30+%.

What I would recommend is marketing. The ability to help companies get customers, generate more sales and increase profits is always valuable.

Some good books: Crossing the chasm Neuromarketing Positioning

Also, “one minute manager” is good, on management…for me what got my “career” on track a few years ago when I had a lot of self doubt was trying to figure out how I could make sure that when I was an employee, the company made a solid profit on my work. The last company I worked for generated tens of millions of dollars in incremental revenue based on my efforts, and even more considering all the indirect, non trackable revenue I helped generate.

However…that led to me quitting to start my own consulting business, and now I’m happier, and our tiny company generates even more value for companies…slightly unfair, still, but the upshot is I like what I’m doing a whole lot more.

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