Why cant I be liked by the cool people ???

Why cant I be liked by the cool people ???

Answer #1

Well knowing nothing about you this would be difficult to answer. It really comes down to people are, in general, rude. I will start by saying you shouldn’t be concerned by this at all. You’re not that old, there is plenty of life ahead of you. The people I hang out with now are not the ones that I would have hung out with in high school. Not that I stuck my nose up at people, but I played a lot of sports and took the schools most advanced classes (not saying much if you went to my high school). I ended up hanging out with “cool” people because they were playing sports with me or in my classes.

I was teased a lot growing up though. My best advice is to find something you are good at and stick with it. Eventually people will want to be around you because you are good at something. That is the toughest part about being young, not finding out what you are actually good at and having a difficult time doing it. I found out during my last year of high school that I was actually a very good wrestler, but I played basketball for most of the time I was in high school. I had many better friends from wrestling than I ever did in basketball. I hope that helps some.

Answer #2

I also wasn’t liked by the cool kids..because I got good grades.

There are so many reasons. I always found that the so called “cool” kids were in fact very insecure..because they we’re always the ones trying to start trouble. Also they are so judgemental…they only allow a certain “type” in their groups

Be yourself, cool is overrated…it only matters in school. I’m in university now and no one there gives a damn about being cool, but they do give a damn about how smart you are.

Answer #3

right sop stop stop I was what every other girl wanted in school and had any pick of and lad in my school im now21 I left at 16 got pregnant at 17 the agin at 20 I tell you what I look bk at people like your self and now im jelouse of them I wish I keep my head in my books I realy do your not being picked on are you if so get bk to me I might have some advice for that one

Answer #4

be yourself.. dont change for anybody else.. the “cool people” will be loosers, after highschool.. trust me!!!

Answer #5

just be your self everyone is cool in their own way trust me

Answer #6

maybe your boring or you are quiet or you are not pretty ,, no one knows

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