Can you give me some tips about high school?

I just started high school not that long ago, and I love it. My friend that is a sophmore tries saying that high school is going to get so much harder, but I dont know if I should believe that. Can you give me any tips about high school?

Answer #1

Experiences are different for everyone - no guarantee it’ll seem harder to you…Good luck and have a great year !!

Answer #2

IT’S EASY. this is my 1st year 2 and im loving it. more classes=more friends. English is cool. we made movies and the chosen ones r fun. not much homework. only downside is carrying my bag all day

Answer #3

As long as you do your work on time you’ll be fine. Don’t stress about it. People who don’t do well themselves tend to scare others by saying that it’s hard. That doesn’t mean that it’ll be like that for you. Personally, senior year was the best year of my High School career.

P.S. High School teachers will try to tell you things about college that’ll scare ya (or they’ll try to scare ya). Don’t pay too much attention to that. College is a great experience. Believe in yourself !!

Answer #4

Relax and enjoy yourself. High school is like life, its what you make of it. Granted the classes might become more of a challenge, but if it wasn’t you would never learn anything so whats the point right? Just keep everything balenced; studying, activities outside of school and after school, time with friends and family. It’s nothing to stress over trust me you have a long way to go. You’ll be fine. Best of Luck.

Answer #5

Be carefull on who you get involved with but have fun!

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