Can you move out at the age 16?

can you move out at the age 16

Answer #1

I moved out at 16, im now 27, live with my boyfriend, and we find it hard to pay the bills even though we both work fulltime, its not all a bed of roses.

Answer #2

Get amancipated.. Or however you spell it.. Im sure it costs money and you have to go to court. But it is possable… Long process, but its possable..

Answer #3

yess you can get amacipated by your parents but I think you have to go to court but you can also move out at 17 that what iam doing I cant be considerd a run-away

Answer #4

I think you can move out at 16. Seriously, your too young. Wait til 18, trust me, you wont regret it. Live at home rent free/food free and finish school and graduate. Its so hard these days and although I waited til after age of 21…I still have some regrets. Everyones situation is different but I hope if your considering it seriously, then just wait. I’m assuming of course that you get along w/your parents etc…

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