Can I sue someone for losing my laptop?

Hi Everyone,

I had given my laptop to one of my cousins friends (who she recommended) so that he could fix it for me, initially I did not have the money to pay him back but now that I do he keeps telling me that he doesn’t know when he can get my laptop back because he broke up with his girlfriend and its in her house…I have asked repeatedly for it back and he always tells me the same there anyway I can take him to small claims court for my laptop? We didn’t have a contract or anything of that nature all I have are emails stating where he acknowledges he has the computer and others stating that he fixed it.

Answer #1

If I could then I would call the ex-girlfriend, but he refuses to give me the number and I do not even really know who he is…As I mentioned before this is my cousins recommedation someone she works with…I really have no connection to him other than what my cousin has told me..I guess that should have been my red flag to begin with…

Answer #2

Yeah, but why don’t YOU call her? Stop waiting for him to muster up the balls to take action and take care of things yourself. I’m sure it will be much less hassle. Hell, gimme the number and I’ll call.

Answer #3

Sounds like you have a decent enough case – when you entrust someone with your possessions, they are responsible for their safe return, after all – but why not call the ex-girlfriend? I’m sure she has no interest in keeping your laptop.

Answer #4

Or perhaps hes lying and its really not there and he sold it or broke it or lost it. You have enough of a case to take him to small claims court. You can also call the cops yourself and get them involved. They would then escort you or him to th ehouse to retrieve the laptop. If his ex did something to destroy the laptop then you can go after him. her or both of them.

Answer #5

This is what I told him that he should call her and ask for it back, but he says that she doesn’t want him near the house and that she’ll call the cops on him…I even told him to call the cops himself so they can escort him and he refuses…I don’t see any other way around it I’ve tried to be civil

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