Can I be pregnat while on my period?

Can I be pregnat while on my period?

Answer #1

You get your period because your not pregent, the egg hasn’t been touched with a sperm.But I don’t really know if you have sex while on your period if you can get pregent. Maybe?

Answer #2

can I get pregnat with my tubes tide

Answer #3

you can get pregnant at ANY time during your cycle, including when you have your period. Especially if you are younger, and your cycles are less rhythmic. You can ovulate at anytime, including when you are on your period, and the majority of eggs are fertilised in the falopian tubes, so if you think that by the time the egg has come out of the tube, you may be 3-4 days pregnant, and your period will have finished, leaving a nice woob for the baby

Answer #4

I don’t think so.

Answer #5

im pretty sure you cant because if you are bleeding then that means that the egg is not being most likely no.

Answer #6

I thing if its you first time there are moment you cude like haveing sex and not takeing care of you self you cuder…

Answer #7

I think you cude because if its your first time look at me I have a girl and its was my first time but I am happy because the dad is with me I love her and him so much I am 16 years old!!

Answer #8

actually you can. ever watch that show I did’nt know I was pregnat? some of the women on there had a period every month and had no idea.lots of times it could be just break threw period.and its usually shorter

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