Should I call children services or can i call them if my baby;s mom is smoking pot around our 10 month old?

Answer #1

yeah you can & you should

Answer #2

You can call them if she’s smoking pot period. And yes, you should call them. Not only is it beyond ridiculous to be smoking in front of a baby, but to be getting high with a baby to take care of? I work with kids in foster care. Children have been hurt or died because parents weren’t taking enough care.

Answer #3

Yes u shud call and don’t worry bout them finding out who called cuz its all anonymous

Answer #4

Yes, that baby could get sick or SOMETHING.

Answer #5

You need to call them. Your child is in danger being around that woman. The fact she is taking care of the child scares me, call and claim her unfit. get her custody revoked and take care of your baby.

Answer #6

does she smoke it in front of her child/What time does she smoke it afterthey have gone to bed?What kind is it is it skunk and is she having bad mental effects? You cant just call them because she smokes it it is how it is effecting her responsibility towards her child. Perhaps ask her to give can take special drug to stop you wanting to smoke.If you dont work with her but call them things may get nasty before trhey get better if they do. My ex used to smoke skunk it made him crazy and paranoid.Think first though its the effects on her that should be the deciding factor

Answer #7

Actually because it is an illegal yes he can. DCF has a low tolerance for weed.

Answer #8

yes its an illegal drug so you can call the police but social services or the police is a bit heavy handed. try asking your gp or health visitor

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