What can I buy to get rid of warts on my vagina?

Answer #1

I would suggest you see a doctor…there aren’t many over-the-counter medications that can control genital warts.

Answer #2

my friend used apple cider vinegar on them.. and some fell off.. its painful though so becareful.. she drenched a cotton ball with the vinegar and then placed a bandaid over it and kept it on her vagina there till the next morning..then wiped to see little spots come off the next day.. kinda gross but i think this will help you

Answer #3

i agree thats an STD isnt it?

Answer #4


Answer #5

ya if u get warts u mite wana c a doctr bcuz that can be a rely bad infection or diseace

Answer #6

woah. thats a sign of hpv. it can cause ovary cancer and infertility. go see a doc asap

Answer #7

Thats what I thought.

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