How is it bad to be bulimic?

Answer #1

The acid in your stomach can damage your teeth by rotting them and your liver will suffer because it is expecting food which it isn’t getting, Bulimia effects every part of your body that involves digestion, it isn’t healthy and can lead to long term ill effects

Answer #2

Aside from the obvious “you can die” issue, Snake-Eyes has given you some great info. While many bulimic sufferers seem to think that being thin is more important then being healthy and having nice teeth, it goes beyond what you can see. Failure to get proper treatment for bulimia can result in death.

Answer #3

It ruins your teeth, & your liver. It makes your self esteem go through the floor. & Sometimes can ruin relationships. Bulimia can pretty much ruin (or damage) your life, or end it.

Answer #4

You will never feel “skinny enough” so you’ll do it for a while, hair loss, you’re always cold, digestive problems, your menstrual cycle goes out of whack, muscles weaken, can kill you, you can actually gain weight sometimes

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