brining an artistic sceneish flare to classy clothing?

I have a big event coming up and there will be a lot of local publicity; in which case I need to look semi professional. I tend to dress in skinny jeans and a nice blouse of t-shirt. I would like to incorporate my sceneish-indie dress into a more classy style. Have any tips? On dresses maybe? I’m pretty clueless when it comes to dressing up.

Answer #1

maybe a little black dress that you could spice up with a cute scarf or colorful shoes/accessories…

I found a couple of dresses you might like. since I dont know you and I only know a tiny bit about your style, I couldnt find anything that really jumped out. try shopping online to get an idea of styles you like. you can see how the dresses look on models (which isnt very realistic for everyone, but it gives you a better idea of how it will look on a person instead of a clothes hanger.) these three dresses are really different and under $100. I think 2 are under $50. Hope I helped!|50444|70419|50444|70419

PS: since you said you’re not great when it came to dresses, I suggest only looking online and going to the store to buy it so you can try it on. stuff can look totally different once its on!

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