Bringing weed on a domestic flight?

How could I and should I?

Answer #1

You can’t and you shouldn’t, as*hole.

Answer #2

You’ll only get caught. It’s called airport security.

Answer #3

wow…why wud you ever think about that …such an idiotic criminal.if you do you should get caught

Answer #4

I have done it internationaly by accident before while on holiday in cali I had a few socks packed full of the stuff and forgot one was still in my bag on the way home but I did not get caught but if I did I was skrewed there was like a grands worth in the sock , but dont get me wrong I would strongly advise against it , its too risky and you surley will be able to score some when you get whereever you are going.

Answer #5

NO! Weed is very dangerous to you. It could kill you or make you sick, dangerously might I add. Plus, you could get in major trouble for even doing/having weed. I say just don’t do it, you are a whole lot better off that way!

Answer #6

Not possible,once they catch it,your immedeatly pulled out of line and searched,they don’t allow that on planes,it’s like your smuggling it to another state,don’t try it.

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