Bridge or snakebites?

My best pal wants to go get another piercing and she cant decide between a bridge piercing and snake bites what do you think.

Answer #1

I find bridge piercings uncomfortable to look at so snakebites I would say!!

My friend did his own snakebites with a wooden needle and never got infected, except it bled a little the following morning! I would recommend doing this though because his came out a little crooked. I couldn’t notice but it drove him mad so he had to get them re-done professionally!

I think it might be weird to eat with snakebites so you could do like he did and just do one first,then the other one a month or two later. It won’t look weird or lopsided if you use a not too big stud. I actually thought that he looked better with only one because when he puts the rings/hoops in, I think it just looks better with only one hoop!


Answer #2

Whatever she’d rather have. Both are fine, it just depends on what she wants. If she’s really having a hard time choosing, have her buy or make fake ones to match each piercing. Then have her try them on and see what she likes best. As long as she gets it done professionally and takes care of it, it’ll be just fine and she won’t have any problems with it. Piercings are simply forms of body art and self expression. They’re not grossy/trashy or anything like that.They won’t make her any more or less attractive and have nothing to do with sexual orientation. And she CAN still get a job if she has them, so if anyone else says otherwise, they’re wrong.

I hope this helps you and your friend… if you need anything else, let me know.

Answer #3

the bridge is a surface piercing so it will inevitably grow out and leave a very permanent and noticeable scar if she must get snakebites shell still end up with 2 permanent scars under her lip but they’ll be a lot less noticeable later on in life than scars above her nose if she’s looking for a job though tell her that most jobs consider facial piercings unattractive and unprofessional

Answer #4

Personally, neither, but if I had to choose snakebites.

Answer #5


the snakebites arent orginal anymore

Answer #6

I honestly think that SB would be better and a lot cuter

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