Why do my breasts hurt?

I’m 17 and I have had unprotected sex recently. I’m not stressing about it I just want to be clear on all the reasons why.

Answer #1

Ok im not a doctor or anything but i do know there can be a number of reasons why your breasts hurt. do they hurt when your due on your period? Its common to have painfull breast b4 and due in that time. They could be growing, there4 the pain u are feeling is growing pains! Or as im sure its crossed your mind, soreness of the breasts can be an early sign of pregnancy. In anycase i would see a doctor/nurse or atleast to a pregnancy test. Good luck x

Answer #2

Thankyou :) Those are the reasons i thought of put i kind of ruled out the pregnancy because even though it was unprotected i was careful. But thankyou :) x

Answer #3

maybe your boyfriend grabbed them really hard when you were having sex and they are just now starting to hurt.

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