Break up? Make up?

Here’s the short story: My boyfriend and I have been going out for alomst a year, til I found out 2 weeks ago, (2 days before my 15bday) he cheated on me. (+he broke a promise): Our promise was that as long as he didn’t drink alchohol (and get drunk) I won’t cut myself. So as the promise was said, we kept it.

My week was going bad and all (too much details) and his lil sister called me durring lunch (she’s 16, my boyfriend is 17, so is his twin bro, big sis around 26 etc…) We talked for a while until she said he ogt drunk, slept with another girl, and got her pregnant…and didn’t tell you for 3 months. I soon as I heard “slept with” I broke down crying. The only reason why he didn’t tell me is becuase he didn’t want me hurting myself. We still love each other like crazy; he feels like sh*t because of what he did.

My question is: Should I stay with him or should I break up??? :(

Answer #1

it really is your choice. he did something stupid. he broke his promise. he hurt you and that isn’t fair. it must be painful. now you have the choice on the one hand he hurt you and if he can just do that he doesn’t deserve you. on the other hand you both love each other like crazy and he said he felt like crap. I know it might be painful. but I think that if you love him and you want to keep the relation going at all. then you should talk to him. tell him what is going on. that your relationship is at stake. try to see it from his point of veiw. but ultimately it is up to you and you alone. but an important thing you must never forget is that even if you break up with him or someone else breaks their side of the promise, that doesn’t mean you need to break your side. I am very proud of you for taking it the mature way. and even though I don’t completely know your story I feel for you and I want you to know that no matter what anyone else thinks. there are people in this world like myself that would never want to see you hurt yourself because of someone else or because of emotional pain. I know it hurts when people keep things from you but we’re all humans we all make mistakes. whatever your desicion may God be with you.

Answer #2

That’s a decision that you will have to make for yourself because that was a big one…Me and an ex went through the same thing and we stayed together until the other girl had the baby and I couldnt handle seeing him with her baby so we broke up we are still friends but thats it…But you should get help for cutting yourself that is a real medical problem…I know I had a friend who did it and she only did it to hurt herself and she cut a main vein and died…Til this day I havent gotten over it…GUD LUCK

Answer #3

me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 years and we have been really close to breaking up but never actually have. but if he did I wud break up with his a. you kept your part of the promise he didnt keep his. if he didnt respect you enough to keep his promise then why shud you respect him enought to stay with his lyin a? but anyways thats what I wud do. you gotta do what you think wud be the best. good luck.

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